Return All Robots

  • Legendary LAN 2024 is now set for November 1-2, 2024!
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  • #2773

    Hey guys,

      I'm not sure how many of you have an Xbox 360, but if so, you might find it worthwhile to check out an Xbox Live Indie game called Return All Robots.  It is a puzzle game with an old school design and feel down to the music, gameplay, and looks. 

    Two of our guys from RN Gaming worked on it (Omen did some of the coding, MrToasty did some of the artwork).  The website for it is where they have videos, and additional information about the game there.  It is pretty fun, and there is a demo you can try on xbox for free. 

    It is also available for PC as well for 3 bucks through their website.  The guy that did the music is Zircon from OCRemix, if anyone is familiar with his fantastic work.  I have played and tested the game for them and its a pretty solid and fun game.  Check it out if you are up for something a little old school 🙂


      On a side note – I am REALLY looking forward to the upcoming LegendaryLAN and meeting you guys.  I may have one other RN Gaming guy coming with me, but he won't know until the week of the event.  I took that day off work and would like to show up early to help setup as I will be bringing tables, a 24 port switch to be used as a backup if needed, and I also have a solid second rig that someone can use as a spare if needed.  See you guys soon!



    Wow!!  People who are ACTUALLY in in the gaming industry!  Walking legends!

    I'll definitely be checking out that game, looks pretty cool.  I know this would most certainly be of special interest our resident 'indie gaming' aficionado – SirLemming. 

    Please convey my congrats to your friends on their first release. 

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