Legendary LAN 2017 – 10 years!

  • Legendary LAN 2024 is now set for November 1-2, 2024!
  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #2806

    Post here with any thoughts on the newly announced LegendaryLAN 2017 event (November 3-4, 2017 7PM-7PM)!  We welcome any feedback you may have and will take it into consideration during the planning process.  Get the hype train started!!


    10 years later and we're all still immature gamers!  🙂

    I'd like to suggest some new games for this year's LAN:

    * Battlegrounds PlayerUnkown – with a server size of 100, we could all fit in one server.  We could do individual or teams of 2 or 4.

    * Disco Dodgeball – little known but fun game of robots playing dodgeball.

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